301NIB would like to thank the thousands and thousands of viewers who submitted very funny captions. It was indeed a challenge to select a winner and five runners-up from such a vast ocean of emails, but our staff was up to the challenge. As we sifted through the submissions we noticed a surprising trend, almost every single one referenced my glutius maximus in some way. This is a little unusual, since it's really not my best feature (have you all forgotten about my fabulous hair?) And by the way - I was reaching for my wallet!
Fifth Runner-up:
"Krikey! I guess each fabric purchase also comes with a complimentary deep tissue massage!"
S. Irwin
Melbourne Australia
Fourth Runner-up:
"Mack Strate realizes even though he has just bought a bottle of "purified" water he will be spending the afternoon grunting at the Archives bathroom... KABLAAMO!"
Rock Star
Madison, Wisconsin
Third Runner-up:
"Shane is diappointed to learn that bottled mineral water will not cure the boils on his..."
Dr. Ian Wendt
Pullman, Washington
Second Runner-up:
"Shane's reaction to a friendly little pinch he encountered while at the market. (He seems to have forgotten his role as Ambassador from the West."
Madison, Wisconsin
First Runner-up*:
"So am I the only one who wants to squeeze this Alberta Prime Beef?"
Bill Heaven
Calgary, Alberta
*This was my personal choice for the grand prize winner (but I was over-ruled by the committee.) It reminds me of my old 'Where's the beef?' bumper sticker. Heh heh...where's the beef...
And...our Grand Prize winner:

"Hmmm, maybe if I don't make eye-contact, look slightly annoyed, AND scratch my butt, I can pick up 3 of these for the price of 1. If only shopping at Woodman's back in Madison took so much talent, they never truly appreciated my skills there. Ahhhh, Thailand, how I love thee, let me count the ways!"
Sandy Marquez
Madison, Wisconsin
It was hard to argue with a selection that managed to fit Shakespeare, Woodman's, Thailand, and my derriere, all in the same blurb? It was more a beautiful sonnet than a photo caption. This one had it all...
Congratulations to all the winners.
*301NIB prizes will only be awarded if and when they are over produced. Please allow 8 months for delivery.