Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Getting the Star Treatment

Maybe it's because we've been anxiously waiting for this baby for so long, but I think we may have lavished a bit too much attention on l'il Chubber-Chalong. Everywhere we go, people makes a fuss over him, and this has caused him to be a little too full of himself. I blame the nurses in the hospital for always telling him how handsome he is - it didn't take long for him to believe it. Now he thinks the entire household should revolve around him. It's always...Chalong needs to eat. Chalong needs his diaper changed. Dad needs to sleep on the razor-thin edge of the mattress so Chalong can have the middle. What a primadonna.

The kid really lives in a dreamworld. The other day he was talking about what an incredible athlete he is. I tried to point out that just because his pajamas said 'MVP' on the front didn't really make him the Most Valuable Player. I knew I was right, but have you ever tried arguing with a newborn? He doesn't listen to anyone.

So far we've been cutting him a lot of slack because he's the new guy, but things had better start to change - and soon. He needs to understand that he's not the only member of this family. His needs shouldn't always have to come first. Heaven forbid he should do something to help around the house - maybe make dinner for Kaddi once in awhile.

I just think it's a little early for him to be acting like a teenager.

He thinks he's soooo cool in just because all the newborn chicks in Gospel Doctrine dig his Sunday threads.

To celebrate a successful nap, Chalong makes me carry him out of the bedroom on my shoulders.

We're all getting a little tired of him constantly asking us to 'check out my guns!'


Jamie said...

What a cute little guy! He is so adorable! Emma really thought he was handsome in his Sunday clothes! He is a perfect addition to your family!

Anonymous said...

I know he's only one day older than Isabella, maybe it's that he's a full 40 weeks and she was 10 days early but he looks soooo much more alert than she does. She still looks like this tiny newborn that is having trouble fleshing out but he looks like he's much older. What a little doll! Zoe thinks they would like to have a playdate together....speaking of which, now that it's 2008, when will you be coming back to WI, if only to pick up your stuff...we live at least 10 mins closer to Madison than before!


David Erickson said...

Congratulations Shane and Kaddi - he's a cute kid.

Natalie@Endless Crafting said...

What a heartthrob....what does the little guy think of older women? I know of a a real cutie. Can't wait to set them up!

Shaela said...

He is adorable! I love the pic of him on your shoulder.