No visit to Alberta is complete without a stop at Waterton National Park. If it's summertime, we always take visitors to see the Rocky peaks and cold mountain lakes of this protected refuge. In fact, I'm quite certain that if you try to return to the US without proof of having visited Waterton, Canadian customs will drag you out of your car and force you to attend a screening of Strange Brew before allowing you to cross the border. It's that important.
Some of the best memories of my youth involve trying to hike my way up Red Rock Canyon. As a kid it was always a contest to see who could get the farthest without getting your shoes wet. By the end, of course, everyone is completely drenched and ends up sitting on a towel in the car for the long ride home. Red Rock Canyong was also a great place to take a date, because the girl would always need to hold your hand as you crossed over the stream. You might even have to grab her around the waist one or twice to keep her from falling in the water.
This time, however, my constant companion was a little krabby patty strapped to my back. Chubber Chalong enjoyed hiking up the canyon, but with his added girth I didn't make it to 'the slide', which is generally the endpoint during these excursions. Aside from my dad offering my mom one hundred dollars to go down the slide, the highlight was watching cousins from Florida and New Mexico dip their feet into a glacial stream for the first time.
There's nothing like icy-numb extremities to let you know you're in Canada.
I have great memories of being dragged to Waterton and then spending the day wondering what all the hyp was about...EVERY SUMMER!
I hope Denise collected her money!
Thanks for sharing... wish we could have been there. Looks like you guys had fun!
I am glad you are all enjoying yourselves in the mountains without me. Don't worry, all of this moving coordination is really keeping me from a state of ginormous envy.
Did I mention I just won a new Playstation 3 with Blu-Ray accessories from the bank I signed a billion dollar mortgage with? It was the least they could do - and is basically all I can say to make you envy me just a little in return.
Looks like fun. See you in a couple days...
Spence - aka Spenny, Spenolange or Mr. Associate Director
Oh wow - gorgeous! Must put this spot on my list of things to do...
Oh wow - gorgeous! Must put this spot on my list of things to do...
If you're bringing the Playstation, make sure you bring guitar hero with you.
Meanwhile I'll prepare myself to rock.
Forget guitar hero, that's for a 1 man band feeling. You need Rock Band for the ultimate family experience. Spencer on drums, Morgan on Guitar, Racheal on bass, and Ang belting out the lyrics.
Fond memories of the family bonding while playing IM - Run to the Hills!!!
You Strate men just love throwing hundred dollar bills at your wives, don't you?
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