Here's this year's photo taken at the grandparents ranch up in Alberta:
Just write a clever caption for this picture and enter it in as a comment, or submit it to our editors at The winner will be showered with praise and non-existent prizes. The losers will be taunted and booed until my throat is sore. (As always, if no one enters 301NIB reserves the right to write its own captions and submit them under fictitious names).
I'd like to help you, but I don't caption for anyone but Anderson Cooper.
"Don't worry Meg, it won't hury the gopher. This gun only shoots out butterfly kisses."
This is a sport that Canadians like to term "Getting rid of the damn-border-crossing-Yankees."
"Okay...just look through the scope and find the crosshairs. Then, place those crosshairs over the picture of Mike Huckabee..."
"Just remember for next time that we want to avoid shooting the livestock. Now, let's head down to the basement before that rancher gets here."
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