But each of these tasks pales in importance to congratulating the winner of our caption contest. The voting was close, going down to the wire before a victor emerged. I really should have announced the winner a few days ago, but some of our viewers in Ohio filed a legal injunction against 301NIB, claiming that someone tampered with their voting machines. (We settled out of court)
So congratulations to Joe from Tucson, a virtual unknown who came out of nowhere to claim the 2008 title with this caption:
Well done, Joe. Apparently the combination of portraying me as an illiterate, slack-yawed technophobe and making fun of my Canadian accent put you over the top in a close race - proving once again that anti-immigrant sentiment always sells.
On a related note, I was disappointed that my own entry (entered under a pseudonym) didn't register a single vote. I had no idea the 301NIB public was so hostile to Canadian-Americans.
Ah, well - in the end it was an honor just nominating myself.
Not sure how to get ahold of you but I think you and this blog would hit it off.
Wow, you were right. We did hit it off. At first it was little awkward, but then we started talking about how much we both love chocolate-covered raisins, and he invited me to play frisbee-golf. Afterwards we laid on the trampoline for three hours and just talked.
Do you know if he's seeing anyone?
Congratulations to Joe! He's going to be so thrilled when he finds out he won!
Shane, I sent you an invite to our blog. (FoxFaqs) I would have emailed you a heads up, but my email is down- (I can recieve, but I can't send).
I hope your family is adjusting well, and good luck with all that you have going on during this busy time.
Ha, Ha, Ha, I just thought you would enjoy the acidic wit that sometimes seeps through that blog...much like your OWN blog at times. You still haven't owned up to a phone # cell or otherwise or and address? Don't be ashamed of UT pal, many happy people live in Utah!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I humbly, and confidently accept your nomination as victor of the "301NIB Caption Costest".
First I'd like to thank my parents, especially my mother for providing me with some of that Strate blood, which gave me just a small portions of that Strate wit we see so often here at 301NIB...
As a writer with Mexican/American/Canadian hertitage, the anti-immigrant humor comes natural to me...
Next - the voters... thank you for selecting my caption. I never had the audacity to hope that I might even get a mention on this site, let alone win this contest...
Finally - the infamous and powerful Mack Strate and 301NIB for hosting the contest, and giving me this opportunity to shine...
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!
Well said, Joe - and congratulations. My only request is that you remember our humble forum when you're guest-hosting Regis and Kelly.
Julie -
If you contact 301NIB (srstrate@gmail.com) one of our staff can provide you with my personal contact information.
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