They called him down the office to tell him that, "This sort of thing was not appropriate." Then the secretary made him wash it out of his hair. He returned to his classroom unbroken. He had lost the battle, but he had the courage to take a stand against the man.
I guess you can empathize with the elementary school on this one. You have to maintain standards. If you allow someone to dye their hair green, pretty soon someone else is getting a fake tattoo. Then before you know it some punk comes to school wearing a pro-Obama t-shirt. It would be anarchy.
Well, we can't worry about this too much right now. Kaddi and I have other importants issues facing our family. We're in the midst of a disagreement over why exactly Gargymel was trying to capture the Smurfs. Kaddi's convinced he wanted to eat them, while I maintain he needed them as an ingredient for his potion to make gold.
To the internet!
I object to the left-wing elitist portrayal of Jacob's hairstylings here at 301NIP!
Jacob, we're a nation of individuals. Don't worry about the collective, just do what YOU want to do whenever YOU want to do it. Don't let the slings and arrows of the elite (your dad) change who you are.
Fight the power!
Seriously, the Smurfs? That is SO 1981. Not that I didn't spend many a Saturday morning lying in front of the television watching Daisy and What's-His-Name...but 1983 came around and I SO moved's called Fraggel Rock guys. The Smurfs got replaced. Who cares about Gargymel?
P.S. Who taught Jake how to make gang symbols in his pictures?Looks oddly familiar...
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