Last weekend one of our favorite movies aired on abc family, The Sound of Music. Meg saw the previews for it and begged to watch it, yet again. One of the kids favorite parts of the movie is when the Vontrapp children are frightened by the storm and run into Marias room. She then settles them all down with a song about her favorite things. I am always flabbergasted when I hear the line about bright copper kettles. How in the world could that be on someones list of favorite things? I guess if you were preparing to enter into an abby and become a nun that a shiny kettle might brighten your day. But I wonder if this song would have been sung towards the end of the movie if Maria would have been singing about kissing Captain Von-hottie in the garden? Anyway this got me to thinking about some of my favorite things. Specifically my favorite things about living in Hawaii. I'll start with number 11 and work to number 1 (which I'm sure will be no surprise)
11. I love that Shane is only a 5 minute walk from home, that when I need a break from Lucky Lukie or whatever the case maybe that he can be home quickly.
10. I love that my kids can wear old t-shirts, shorts and flip-flops to school and not worry if they are in fashion.
9. I love that everytime there is a church, school or community function there is always a musical program.
8. I love how Hawaiians make pork. Yuummm! They bury a pig underground and then several other steps which I can't recall, anyway when I get it it's shredded and is absolutely terrific.
7. I love the fact that we have a perfect view of the temple right outside our apt. window.
6. I love our tiny movie theatre in our little Laie shopping center. It only shows two movies, but they are always family movies and it's only $3.00
5. I love that it is green year round. It's always beautiful.
4. I love visiting the PCC. We went there a couple weeks ago with Shanes parents. WE enjoyed their Luau and nightshow as well. It was kind of an ephony. It wasn't until that day that I felt like I was in Hawaii. I actually felt like I was on vacation. We have been here since August 07, but we have been doing so much day to day stuff that I often forgot where I was living. Anyway it was great.
3. I love that everyone wants to come and visit us. Wisconsin was not very tempting for some, Thailand was a little far, expensive and unknokwn, but Hawaii, who doesn't want to come to Hawaii.
2. I love the fact that my kids can play outside all day everyday. Wow it makes such a difference. Thailand was unbearably hot and humid, Wisconsin had too long of a winter and got dark very early. Hawaii is just perfect. There is a pleasant breeze almost everyday and if it get's too hot theres always the beach close by.
1. I'm sure this is not too surprising to anyone, but my most favorite thing about living in Hawaii is the beach. It is absolutely gorgeous. It's so close, it's free and it's a great activity for the family. I love the fact that when I drive down Kamehameha hwy. that the ocean and beach are 20 feet away. I love living so close to such natural beauty. Sometimes you can look out at the ocean and the water is 5 different shades of blue. If any of you have ever been here my most favorite beach is Waimea bay. The water is mostly calm and the surrounding mountains and trees are breathtaking.
Our time here is almost up and I know that I will not be sad to say goodbye to our shoe box apt but we have made some great memories here and I know that I will miss it.