At long last I have time to post the events that have been so highly anticipated by 301NIB viewers in the metropolitan Vancouver area - Rachel's visit to Hawaii. It's the first time I've seen my little sister since Christmas 2005. Also the first time she's come to visit us since we lived in another tiny apartment in Provo. She and I once worked as illegal immigrants at an Asian buffet restaurant that no longer exists, where she proceeded to consume vast amounts of fried chicken-based products (and avoid the croutons).
It was great to have Rachel around for the week. In some ways, it was just like when we were kids. She'd pass out in front of the Letterman show with cheese-doodle dust all over her face. Then sleep til noon. Then wake up and start eating my mini-eggs. Then she'd sit and 'bounce' on the couch while I practiced piano. Then when she got really fussy I'd lock her in her room.
*sigh*....good times.

Had I not caught the tail end of Rachel's adolescence and witnessed for myself the (nervous) 'sit and bounce' on the couch I never would have believed that someone other than my brother Cam could have perfected the practice so well.
Some people bounce a leg over their knee. Others choose to ricochet their own noggin off the metal springs of a high back chesterfield for hours - sometimes not even in front of the TV. Maybe the bad textile patterns of the day caused such idiosyncratic behavior in the weak minded. Either that or Cam just loved to see what he could really accomplish bouncing that 'orange on a toothpick' head of his at 30 beats per minute.
I just love that word... chesterfield.
Yeah! I love Rachel! She is the Best! You are so lucky to have such wonderful Sisters!!! What a great Auntie, she looks just as cute as the kids in their cute spring outfits! Hawaii looks great on Rachel!!
If you are taking post requests, I could come up with list!!
Yay!!! Finally, my much anticipated 301NIB post. Joy!! I miss you all so much, especially since coming back to the snow. Love you guys! Rach
PS- love those chicken balls
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