Thursday, April 03, 2008

Frightening Miss Muffet Away

Two days ago I was sitting in my office and got a frantic call from Kaddi. She had just returned home from picking the kids up at school. Upon getting out of the car she turned around to shut the door and noticed a cane spider crawling on outside of the car near the wheel well. This was enough to induce panic. She had Jake go into the house to get some Raid, but when she attempted to spray the spider it disappeared. Now she was uncertain whether the spider was actually in the car, or underneath, or where it had gone.

The cane spider is actually know as the Huntsman Spider, which came to Hawaii from Asia. They are reportedly quite timid, but will bite if attacked or sprayed with Raid. They like hanging out in the sugar cane fields and are really quite beneficial to humans because they eat cockroaches and silverfish. They have a knack for crawling into homes, sheds, or even vehicles before a storm. The night before we had a long rainstorm, and I would guess the spider found refuge by crawling up into the undercarriage of our car, and then inadvertently became a passenger on the way to school.

When I got home I checked over the car but couldn't find him. I hope he's gone back to the cane fields now. One day Kaddi might be traveling down the H-1 and look back to see Luke trying to force a big hairy brown spider into his mouth. That would be bad.


Anne said...

A spider??? Where are our Rachel Stories??!! We want Rachel!! We want Rachel!!!

Anonymous said...

OK, how big is that spider really? It looks big enough to eat Luke!


Kelly said...


Kelly said...

(I mean that in a bad way).