For years I assumed that the term “Baby Bangs” referred to babies when they are growing hair. It’s all new so it looks very short. I have since discovered the true historic reference to “Baby Bangs.” After having Jake and Meg my hair fell out, but at a normal rate. After having Luke it’s like my hair follicles were in a race with one another to see who could leave my scalp the quickest. You want to know who won? They all did. I have never in my life lost so much hair, mainly in the front. Luke of course is the cause and culprit. So for months now I have invested a small fortune in hair products which promise to slick down any hairs that are a nuisance (pomade, gels, dapper dan).
These products for the most part have done there job but I must confess that for Halloween this year Jake and Meg insisted that I go as Telly from Sesame Street. If you do not have children and do not know how I might pass as Telly I will describe him. He is a fuzzy monster, with hairs on top of his head that are in a constant refusal to obey the laws of gravity. They simply just stand straight up on his furry head and kind of float about. That is about what I look like these days. On my Christmas wish list to Santa this year am hoping for a subscription to Rogaine for Women, hair plugs or a nice wig. I’m not partial, Santa can choose.
I would just like to look normal again. On some days I have to resort to drastic measures and sweep my hair across my forehead. On those days for some reason Meg and Jake would rather walk to school than have me drive them. Oh well, I must endure this until my “Baby Bangs” grow out. I just hope that with our next baby I don’t go completely bald. Time will tell.
The sweep is definitely better than the baby bangs ...
The walk to school can't be further than a mile or two, they can suck it up for the duration, punks.
Oh Kaddi, I feel your pain. I have 'baby sideburns' and little penguin puffs in addition to the hair sticking up everywhere else. This happens for me after every baby. I barely grow it out before I'm losing it again. It sticks out beside my ears, on the sides of my fore head and then just generally everywhere else and it seems to grow perpendicular to my head! At least your skinny again *sigh*...the hair will come back.
Oh! I hear you loud and clear I have the same thing going on. I've tried all the products and then thought that maybe straight ironing them down would work...well not! That just made them worse. I fried my hair so now it is frizzy and spiking up everywhere. I love the pictures. I was cracking up! You look great no matter what. :)
When I had Sarah I clogged up the bathtub drain and broke our vacuum with all my hair that was falling out! This time around it is not that bad but I do struggle with lots of little frizzies in the front. I thought I was just getting old people frizzy hair. Thanks for reminding me it is because of Jameson.
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