Our wild, adorable, determined, and amazing little Luke turned 3 on Dec. 17th. I know it's hard to believe but Luke has been waiting for his birthday since September. Jake and Meg both have birthdays in Sept. the 9th and 10, back to back. So Luke watched as they both got breakfast in bed, special dinners, special desserts and presents. After their birthdays were over you could just see the wheels turning inside his head, "o.k. it's my turn next, any day now." Day after day he proclaimed that it was his birthday, "where are my presents." Sadly this little boy had to wait a whole 3 months in agony until it was actually his birthday.
On Dec. 17th we woke LUke up by singing Happy Birthday! He was very excited. I had told him earlier that I was going to make him a special cake and he couldn't stop talking about it all day. He kept calling it his "special puppy cake."
Luke couldn't wait to eat it.
All through dinner Luke kept saying, "I'm done." and then he would try to open his presents. Of course everyone but 3 year olds know that there is a certain order to birthday dinners, dinner, cake, PRESENTS! After months of waiting it was now Lukes turn for presents. My parents got Luke a gift card to Target and we thought he would love an easle. Chalkboard on oneside and whiteboard on the other. He loved it alright, he loved writing on our leather couch with the chalk and he loved writing on our couches in the basement with the markers.
What kid doesn't want an awesome potatoe with accessories. If there's one out there I don't want to know them.
Along with the new Toy Story 3 DVD and Don't Break the Ice game, Luke got something he has been wanting for, for quite some time. Everytime we'd go to Target and see a BUZZ LIGHTYEAR Luke would say, "Can I have Buzz if I go poo poo in the toilet?" (no, of course we don't bribe our kids to get them to do what we want) But if everyone must know Luke did get BUZZ, and it was just a coincidence that he finally pooped in the toilet and had a birthday at the same time.
We are so blessed to have Luke in our family. He keeps us on our toes that's for sure. As for those terrible two's disappearing I think they feel at home here and may stick around for another year. Luke is a fireball and the most persistent out of our 3 kids.(Shane and I are hoping that his persistent nature will be a strong attribute later in life, right now it's Lukes tool for wearing mom and dad down). Luke is full of life, fun and laughs, even at 3 he loves to be funny. He loves to read books, play games, be outside and wrestle.It's one of my favorite things to come home and have Luke run up, wrap his arms around my legs and say, "mommy, mommy I missed you." Life is good. We love you LUKE.
p.s. Here is a sample of Luke via video clip of the things he is capable of on a daily basis.
1 comment:
Happy Birthday Luke! Glad you are keeping your famiy in line!
Great Cake Kaddi!
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