Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The Burman Furor

The article quoting my expertise on Burma was published this week in the student newspaper. The university paper is called Ke Alaka'i, which apparently is Hawaiian for 'run-on sentence.'

You can visit the newspaper website to read the story, and you can also order an autographed print copy from 301NIH for only $7.95 + s&h. Also look for me to appear on CNN's 360 with Anderson Cooper tomorrow at 6 PM.


Anonymous said...

Either your stay in the ghetto has caused your grammar to deteriorate, or the writer of the article needs to retake English 101.


m-strat said...

It gets worse. Anderson Cooper cancelled on me at the last minute.

He must have read the article.

Mike Maitland said...

Hey thats cool your in the papaers, so they called on the expert and there you were! Are you really on TV too?? I think we need to move to America, the land of dreams, where all your dreams come true! Hey we got your message like 5 days ago, I haven't touched my blog in aaaaages. I'm not an expert at bloggin like yourself, sometimes I just don't know what to write, our lives are not as interesting, but yeah man, on the news, cool!
Oh and Em and I think your 'well jammy' getting to live and work in Hawaii!!!! Is it hot like Thailand?