Sunday, June 24, 2007

A Modest Proposal

Kaddi and I have a problem that confronts most couples with young children - we don't get out much. This problem was again brought to our attention recently when we went to the mall and saw previews for Fractured. (We never miss a Ryan Gosling movie). But how to get out without the kids in tow? We have no family here. Most people we know have left for the Americas, all other contacts live an hour or so away, and according to our rental contract the security guard's duties do not include baby-sitting. The solution to this problem requires a little ingenuity.

Since our kids are old enough to be relatively self-sufficient, but not quite old enough to stay home for four hours by themselves, it's simply a matter of keeping them both contained and entertained. They need to be restricted enough that they can't burn the house down, but not necessarily supervised. The solution involves borrowing an time-tested product and finding a new application for it. Mormon parents everywhere, I give you....

The Kiddie-Kennel

Have you ever sat in church and silently laughed while leaders instructed you to go out with your wife once a week? No longer. With Kiddi-Kennel you just cage 'em and engage 'em.

Most kids spend four hours a day watching TV anyway, so why can't they stare at the telly through the bars of protective steel mesh? The prototypes I'm working on with my business partner will be about 3 X 3, with an mesh cage in front, cupholders, snack trays, and built in earphones in case the kids want to watch separate movies. We're experimenting with fireproof outercasings and perhaps even sprinkler systems. We still haven't got the toiletry situation figured out, but our focus groups have shown that this is not a major concern for parents anyway. (After all, cleaning up a little tinkle is a small price to pay for some alone time - why not just put some newspapers down?)

So, for only $69.99 the kids can watch their movies in secure comfort, mom and dad remember why they got married in the first place, and there is love at home.

Inhumane? Going three months without a date with your wife- THAT's inhumane!


Anonymous said...

I have little sympathy if it's only been 3 months since your last date. Can I use these at church in sacrament meeting?


Anonymous said...

Shane I will bank roll this product! When do we start massive production? I say we target market the Mormons via


Steve in Madtown