Tuesday, December 04, 2007

How is Kaddi?

It is now December 4th, which means that my mom has now been playing Christmas music for two weeks already. Many of you are now doubt getting ready for Christmas and enjoying winter landscapes and new fallen snow. Well, we don't have snow here in Hawaii, but I did come home today to find the grass in front of our apartment covered with flecks of white. It seems that a herd of free-range toddlers liberated someone's styrofoam cooler and tore into it like a pack of wild dingoes. It was frightening to survey the carnage. I've decided to order armor-plating for our baby stroller to help protect l'il Snerdley from the diapered destroyers that roam through the projects.

So what news of baby?

Right now Kaddi is doing very well. Thankfully the weather has cooled down quite a bit since we arrived, so she's sleeping a little better. But having a small human being inside your body is making her increasingly uncomfortable. We suspect baby may be studying martial arts, because ever few hours Kaddi gets a karate chop in the ribs.

Despite what the Baby Snerdley counter may indicate, we're not exactly sure when the baby will come. December 17th is the date that given us during the first ultrasound. We're going to need to figure out a route in advance, because its a hour long drive to our hospital on the other side of the island. We're still in negotiations with Kaiser over whether they will induce Kaddi or whether we'll just wait until she goes into labour.

Also, the 301NIB viewers chose Snerdley as a first name for the baby, but there is some disagreement about a second name. Kaddi would like 'Michael', which is her brother's name. I'm holding out for 'Chalong', the name of my advisor in Thailand and a word that means 'celebration.' So far there is a lot of resistance to giving him a Thai name. We may have to compromise and follow the Utah Valley custom of naming him after a luxury car.

We'll let everyone know the minute Snerdley Landrover Strate is born.

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