Sunday, April 13, 2008

Feel the Love

As our time in Hawaii grows short we've begun contemplating our third move in three years. Jake is counting down the days. Meg wants to live in a real house. Both are excited to see their cousins in California and Canada this summer. But whether we return to Madison or go some place new this year, the kids will probably have to start over yet again and make new friends.

The other day while we were in the car I was discussing this fact with Meg. I was asking is she was nervous to go to another new school next year. She said that she would like to go back to Madison to see her friends from kindergarten. So, I explained that I knew it was hard to start over, and I was sorry we had to move so often. She look at me with those tender little girl eyes I love so much.

"That's okay, dad" she assured me. "It's not your fault you can't find a job."


Kelly said...

...reminds me of the time that I was sort of complaining to Kaddi about expenses. When Jake overheard our conversation, he looked at me and said, "Don't worry, we're not doing so well, either."

Of course, what he didn't know at that time was that your Fulbright letter was on it's way...who needs a job when you have funding?

And by the way, why the comment moderation? (Sigh) yours was just about the only blog left where I didn't have to end each comment with a practice session in typing.

m-strat said...

Jake lives in perpetual fear that our family will end up living in a a van down by the river. At least that van will be paid for in a few months.

The comment mediation is an unfortunate result of 301NIB's exploding popularity in South America. Every few days I had to delete hyperlinks that referred to someone else's website in Portuguese. I held out as long as I could, but in the end this is the best thing to protect our website content.

Krista said...

I can't stop laughing. Kids sometimes make the most painful observations; true or not.

Julianna said...

Can we have another blog entry?