Thursday, December 03, 2009

The Lecture

Here's the internet feed for the International Studies Center lecture that I gave yesterday.

The Trauma of Lost Territory

After watching it I realized that the lights were set for someone shorter, casting a shadow on my face that makes me look like Nosferatu.

After the lecture was over, a kindly old lady came up and told me she really liked my sweater.


Steve Schaefer said...

Good stuff Mac Strate! I actually listened enjoyed listening to pieces of the lecture! No.. for real! ;)

Spenny said...

Obviously, as students reported, we were all waiting for you to belittle anyone who dare ask a question, followed then by a brief testimony. What, they don't tell you to do that after each discourse? :)

No matter what they tell you, I can't help but think this was essentially an opportunity for you to audition for your colleagues in a position to extend your contract. I've seen a LOT of lectures, and for what it is worth, you did a top notch job (even despite the 'nosferatu effect').

I might sit in on a history course or featured lecture at the UofL now.