Friday, May 16, 2008

Sealy Dan

On Thursday I took the morning off so that Kaddi, Luke and I could cruise the beaches and do some exploring at low tide. We found a rocky out-cropping just north of Turtle Bay where we could walk around. As we got out of the car we noticed a monk seal that had come on to the beach to sun himself.

While we gathered around taking pictures, a game warden approached and explained that Hawaiian state law dictated we all needed to stay one-hundred feet away from the seal. So I said, "Look buddy, how 'bout you tell your seals to stay one-hundred feet away from us?!"

In the afternoon, Kaddi bailed me out of fish-and-wildlife jail and we went for ice cream.

(M-Strat out.)

1 comment:

Kelly said...

So, let me get this straight...

The game warden tells you to get the heck out of there, but first he's willing to take a family snap shot? Procedures are different in Hawaii aren't they?
