Thursday, June 19, 2008

Move On with a Greener Kind of Candidate

Whatever you might think about Barak Obama, there's no question that he is a different kind of Presidential candidate. We have never seen anything like him before. Listening to him speak is as refreshing as the smell of Old Spice deodorant on a crowded Hawaiian bus. The man is already making political history, and he's not even President yet.

As the candidate for change, Obama is not weighed down by the conventional baggage that comes with being a Washington insider. Unlike your typical Republican candidate, he hasn't surrounded himself with lobbyists or shady advisors who got sweet-heart deals from unethical mortgage companies. Nor will he be bothered by restraints like 'executive experience'. He's completely unhampered by any knowledge of the economy or foreign policy matters. This guy's so fresh he makes Presidental candidate John Kennedy look like Strom Thurmond.

And let's face it, America needs the completely new perspective Obama will bring in order to transcend its tragic racial past. Do you think McCain would have the foresight to ask two Muslim women wearing headscarves to move out of the camera shot during his campaign speech? Of course not. It takes a special kind of politician to show that type of leadership.

Never before have we had a candidate courageous enough to reject the limitations of public funds after promising he would accept them only months ago. This intrepid move will allow the Democrats to outspend the Republicans 2-1 over the course of the campaign. Others might characterize this as a flip-flop, but I recognize it as a bold move toward equality. After all, Republicns have been buying elections for years.

Yes, years from now I'll be able to tell my grandchildren that I witnessed the moment when America finally began caring for the poor and providing jobs for the unemployed.. When the earth began to heal and the oceans began to subside. And I was here to witness the greatness of the man responsible for it all, a man brave enough to move away from the tired, empty, hopeless rhetoric of the....what?....

Oh man...I've got to go. John McCain just stopped by to force Luke into the marine corp.

(You can't have him...John.)


Anne said...

Barak and I broke up. He lead me to believe in him. And boy do I feel the fool now. Don't worry it's not a depressing break up, nothing a pint of ice cream can't fix.

I'm now enjoying the single life, but I have recently picked up(ok stole) a RON PAUL yard sign, I think if people are looking for change, he would be change. not that I agree with his policy's, but I believe he would be the candidate of change.

and that is attractive.

Anonymous said...

I will bet you ANY amount of money that within 2 weeks, the chief architect of the McCain-Feingold bill will have opted out of public financing. And boy-howdy, you'll see such a flood of big-oil money fill his coffers, you'd have thought that God flip-flopped and was pulling a Noah 2.0.

I mean, come on. Billy Graham wrote McCain's economic policy while working as a lobbyist for an international bank. Surely McCain can do better than the pittance the the American people have offered him.

Hmmm, maybe there is something to not being a bought and paid for senator for 26 years--Obama may have to come up with is own policies instead of having them handed to him like McSellout. And hey, they could hardly be worse.

m-strat said...

"He can't be much worse."

I'm pretty sure that was Jimmy Carter's campaign slogan back in 1976, wasn't it? And let's face it, Obama is the multicultural version of Carter. We have an unpopular war, an economic downturn. Now all that's left is for the U.S. to get trounced in the medal count at Beijing and the country will be permanently wallowing in malaise.

Barry Dunham is 2008's peanut farmer from Georgia. In 1976, people looked at Watergate and the excesses of the Vietnam war under Nixon, and they said "Let's go a different direction, how could things get worse?"

That reasoning gave us one of the worst Presidents in history.

I don't have any vested interest in getting McCain elected. The Republicans certainly deserve to lose. Perhaps Barry's Presidency will work out somehow. Just don't try to tell me he's qualified for the job.

Anonymous said...

"I don't have any vested interest in getting McCain elected. "
Oh, paleeze. You hate yourself for it, but you KNOW you want McCain to win.

I like how conservatives are working overtime to link Obama to an unpopular president in the way McCain is joined at the hip to Bush's 27% approval rating. The problem is that the analogy is clearly a faulty one. Unlike Nixon, Bush's failing are failings of government, not personal. He has simply made the wrong choices (been given the wrong solutions) to each challenge that has arisen in his presidency. Eight years of Bush has thoroughly repudiated the Neocon ideology. With the Neocons in power the US has faltered in its foreign policy objectives, national economy, and worst of all, Team USA's international basketball program.

When someone says "Obama can't do worse," they aren't talking about personality, they are talking about actually governing. It's not possible for Obama's policies to be worse than Bush's. Not because Obama is necessarily the best thing ever, but because Bush is a disaster that Jake, Megan, Byron and Luke will still be paying for when they reach our age.

The switch to Obama is a choice to pursue a government that limits corporate greed (i.e. regulates oil futures markets), pursues diplomacy over military solutions, and will do something about the looming health care crisis in America. True, Obama may not be up to the task, and he may fail at implementing those policies. But with Bush we had a poor president coupled with worse policies. Obama, at least, gives us the right policies.

So keep at it. Maybe if you and Rush yell loud enough people will link Obama to Carter the way they do McCain to Bush, but I doubt it.

Rachael said...

We can't wait for the Big "O" to be president - it will be sunshine and lollipops everyday! In fact, I was in the Connecticut DMV the other day thinking to myself “gee, I wish our medical facilities were run this well!” O-Baby can take that dream and make it happen! He’s a real do-er! Soon we can say goodbye to shoddy healthcare, worries about retirement, poverty, crime, and inconvenient babies. Hello Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of, nay, the government provided and guaranteed, Happiness!

DMV – here we come!!! It’s a change I can believe in!

Anonymous said...

Shane, Porter,

How much did you guys end up betting on that McCain public financing opt-out thingee?