Saturday, September 27, 2008

Born of Water

Today we had Meg's baptism in a very special meeting along with seventy-two other eight year-olds from our stake. It was nice to have both grandparents and other family in town.

For the confirmation meeting Kaddi put together a special video montage of pictures of Meg. She spent hours collecting the footage, editing the video, and then searching for a medium to display it. When it was time to show the video she spent several minutes trying to get it to work - and if hadn't been for the intervention of a senior project manager, it may never have happened. But figure it out she did.

It's something all 301NIB viewers should be able to enjoy.

Aside from the technical difficulties, the baptismal meeting was not without its candor. All the children being baptized and their fathers sat on the front row so that the speakers could take directly to them. I ended up sitting next to a little boy who couldn't wait to be done with the entire affair so he could go outside and play.

As the prelude music was playing I heard him say, "What? There's going to be talks?! That's so boring!"

Later when other children walked onto the stage for a musical number he said, "There's no way you could get ME to go up there."

But the best part was during the final talk on the Holy Ghost. The speaker shared an experience where he had been hiking with his family and gotten lost, but found his way back to the car with the aid of a GPS device. Throughout the talk he held up his global positioning unit as a visual aid. This led to the following exchange:

Speaker: Today, each of you will receive a type of GPS-device...

Bored little boy: Awesome!

Speaker: ....called the Holy Ghost.

Bored little boy: Awww, man!

Best baptism meeting ever.


Krista said...

*snickers* I think I know that little boy ...
Congratulations, Meggie!

Anonymous said...

I'm sooo sad I missed it :( It was a great opportunity to make a special occasion all about me!!!! J/k We love you guys and miss you so much! Love, Rachel and Paul

PS Shane- Paul says he's kicking your sorry butt in fantasy football buhahahahhah!

m-strat said...

I don't think a family blog is the appropriate forum for making fun of someone's lousy fantasy team.

Besides, I'm ahead of Paul by ten points as of right now.

Natalie@Endless Crafting said...

Meggie Scrumptious looks beautiful in her baptism pic. Loved the video too.... Good job Kaddi and tech support.

Kelly said...

Loved the video. The photographic evolution of Meg is amazing. It's like watching her stretch out. She is such a beautiful little girl. But, in my mind, I think she'll always be a four year old with a hand on one hip and a twinkle in the eye as she waits for you to complement her beauty. And, I can't think about Meg without stopping to consider how I'd like to stuff my face with a piece of chocolate cake right now, too.

Rachael said...

Hmmm...what happened to the fair teacher evaluations? Were you a little worried about the exposure?