Thursday, December 11, 2008

Because Need Knows No Season

Christmas is a time to turn our thoughts to those less fortunate than us. Particularly the children whose parents can't afford to purchase them Video game consoles or new clothes, or sports equipment. This week I captured footage of a poor little boy who was kicking around a milk cartoon because his family couldn't raise the funds for a soccer ball.

Please watch the video and give generously.


Julianna said...

Bella isn't even standing on her own yet and we're all excited because she's finally cut a tooth on the bottom!

The Fonseca's said...

Brag all you want, sure you have a newly walking baby with amazing talents and the ability to maneuver the milk carton through tough obstacles, watchout Beckham, but do you have 2 hillbilly kids who masterminded a plan to install a portapotty in the bedroom closet and pee in a plastic bucket? TOP THAT! I would post the video but we might offend someone.

camfox said...

Man, he's cute! I love how he keeps his hand in the air.

Natalie@Endless Crafting said...

Wow! Look at him go! Madison taught him well. :)