Monday, January 14, 2008

I'm Mack Strate and I approved this message

I read an ad in last month's Ensign asking members to submit video ideas for commercials that the Church could use to promote the family. So, Jake and I put together this little sketch and sent it in to Salt Lake. The winners will be announced during General Conference week in April.

I think we've got an excellent shot.


Anonymous said...

i'm crying! thanks for the laugh!


Jamie said...

Jake wants to watch it again and again... I am just laughing! Only Mac Strate could do this one! Definitely a work of art. It's a definite winner in our book.

Kelly said...

Wow. You have trully outdone yourselves this time. Loved the outtakes. Loved Jake's great little disappointed sigh, loved Meg's role as the favorite child. Loved that raisins have a re-occuring role in your films.

Definitely a five star movie.

Anonymous said...

ahahahah that was awesome!!!! Rach

Anonymous said...

You peopl are missing the larger metaphysical symbolism in the film. The chocolate-covered raisins represent his soul. In the final scene he's grabbing a handful of his soul.

Shaela said...

You have our VOTE!

Steve Schaefer said...

Mack Strate! This definitely goes down as one of your best vids in 301NIB history. Meg was so cute when she was like, "you hit my head!". Jake you did awesome dude!

Rock Star in Miami

camfox said...

Hilarious! That was so awesome. Loved it. Shane, you're a pretty cool dad. I'm sure the church is going to love it, and you should get a great movie deal out of it.

Mike Maitland said...

make sure you copyright it! Em and I loved it and you have inspired us to make our own clip - it's about time.

i agree with the fact that many of these scenes are symbolic, and have true meaning, like by hitting away the object each time, you were setting an example of what your kids would do.....and when its something you really want that it might affect, you feel the pain.

it could also mean that he is your conscience and every time you swat away those feelings, its just waiting for the right moment to ka-blam!! thats right, hit with the pain....oh yeah

Anonymous said...

Shane, truely your best work (with a great supporting role - Jake). Very Napoleon Dynamite. So direct, so simple. I'm sitting here taking a breather at work and several of my colleagues have gathered around to find out what I am laughing hysterically at. Thankfully you have time to spare for such cinematic creativity. I am afraid of what you could do should you upgrade and master Adobe AfterEffects or FinalCut Pro!
