Saturday, January 12, 2008

Is he still under warranty?

Meg has been looking forward to having a new baby for some time now. She is extremely excited to have Chubber Chalong in our family and always offers to hold him or help in other ways. But it's becoming increasingly apparent that she is disappointed by his performance so far. After all, usually a toy is at its best when its brand new. It's only after we've played with it for months that it starts to show signs of wear and tear and become less effective. But babies are a littile different. They start out with some quirks, then get more interesting as they have time to grow. Andyway, whenever we introduce the baby to friends or colleagues she takes it upon herself to point out all his defects. Here's an example of a recent conversation.

SHANE: Say hello to our little guy, Luke.

FRIEND: What a big boy - how much did he weigh when he was born?

KADDI: He was eight pounds, twelve ounces.

MEG: He grunts all the time because he has gas.

FRIEND: Was it a hard labor?

SHANE: I did pretty well, actually. I thought I would be nervous, but...

KADDI: (interrupting) I was induced on the Monday, and after they broke my water it was only a few hours until l'il Lukey arrived.

MEG: And he had acne all over his cheeks.

FRIEND: I think he's a handsome boy. I'm surprised he doesn't have red hair like your other two.

KADDI: It was a surprise to all of us. I think eventually his hair will turn blonde.

MEG: Then maybe he won't be cross-eyed anymore.

long silence

SHANE: Well, we better get this little guy home....

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