Monday, January 28, 2008

Out on the Blacktop

Two weeks ago Jake started his first season of basketball in the Laie sports league. Here in Hawaii they play an unusual style, where they combine the protocol of basketball with the full contact of rugby. Jake is still adjusting to the new format.

Jake likes to get out in front on the fast break and wait for someone to feed him the ball.

...still waiting....

He's decided to concentrate on defense, since it seems easier to take the ball away from the other team than to convince his own teamates to pass to him.


camfox said...

Funny. I remember resorting to the defense tactic too. In elementary school, the boys wouldn’t pass me the ball, so I just decided to guard every person who got the ball- even if they were supposedly on my team. The boys finally started passing me the ball, so I’d get out of their face. Do you have any videos of Jake playing rugby-basketball? I’d love to see the action!

m-strat said...

Co-ed basketball comes with its own peculiar set of rules. Every fifth grade boy has to be aware of these:

1) If you pass to a girl, that means you like her.

2) If you foul a girl, it means you want to kiss her.

3) If you help a girl off the floor, you're practially going out.

I didn't make those rules, and I'm not saying they're fair, but you have to acknowledge them nonetheless.