Thursday, May 17, 2007

The Start of Something Fresh

Up here inside the cement walls of the colonial city, we hunger for entertainment. There's nothing good on tv, our only friends live way down in the city, and there's really not much nearby to visit. So, we tried to make our own fun.

Last week Kaddi and I created a new sensation called Guess that fan speed! It's a two player game. Player two turns on the fan, and player one tries to guess the setting without looking at the buttons. It has been hours of fun. The formula is still not perfect, of course. Since our fan has only three speeds neither Kaddi nor I have ever guessed wrong. I even turned the fan off once, just to get in her head. It didn't work.

At last, our entertainment famine has ended thanks to the appearance of a new blog created by wiffle-ball enthusiast and eighties hip-hop icon Doug E. Fresh. Still in its infancy, this blog started off strong with a light-hearted and poetic tale of home invasion during the holidays. If you're in the mood for a little 'smashy-smashy', check out:


Selway Family Blog said...

I think you are scared to post a link to my blog, for fear that your regular readers will switch over to me. I understand Shane. I understand.

m-strat said...

It's more that I want to protect my readers from objectionable content. It's no secret that your ideologies are opposed to conservatives, white people, and Canadians. This means that everytime you write or say something I'm thrice-offended.

How could I subject loyal viewers of 301NIB to that level of vitriole?

Anonymous said...

Couldn't help but notice that you were last on Ang's link site and even more damaging...renames. Looks like there are some fences to rebuild there. How are you guys? I'm just too tired to actually pull up and write a proper email to you. I am enciente once more and it is wiping me out. Oh, Myra would love to see you if you pass through Provo on you way back to the Promise Land!