Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The Ultrasound technician said...

...that, beard or no beard, I was hands down the best looking dad she'd seen in all her many years of ultrasound...uh, technicianing. She also told us her reasons for believing that Lee Harvery Oswald acted alone and laid out a very plausible timeline for phasing out the combustible engine over the next three decades.

All of which was nice, but we were more interested in hearing about our baby. We wanted to make sure it was healthy and determine the sex - even though I was sure it was going to be a girl. We've been hoping for a third child for a long time now, for some reason I always felt we'd have another daughter. But when the technician adjusted the resolution and printed out our image...

We saw it was a boy.

I admit I didn't believe it at first. I even questioned the technician to make certain. A brief debate ensued. I made several good points about why our next baby was going to be a girl, but as I looked at the monitor I saw her argument was even bigger.

So, December will bring a baby boy to the Strate's in Hawaii. Jake was a little disappointed. He wanted a little sister just like Janie and Katelyn and Emma. Meg was thrilled because it meant her cousin Isabelle had predicted wrong. Kaddi and I are both very pleased.

Another son.


Mindy said...

Congratulations! I'm sure Jake will realize how fun it is to have a brother in no time! Although, I will never forget how sweet he was with Jane. I love that kid. We're excited for you guys.

Kelly said...

Too bad they can't determine hair color in the ultra sound. I'm dying to know if it's another red head. Congratulations, guys.

Anonymous said...

Cool - two boys is just what Shane needs to humble him. His prideometer has been getting a bit too high lately. Kaddi, being the perfect mom, would obviously have been happy either way. I think this news deserves a special breakfast in bed for the whole family cooked by a proud new father. I encourage you Shane to go beyond the French toast you experimented with in Thailand and go for something more adventurous - how about freshly baked croissants? Of course, you'll have to get up at 2am.

Who do you think this is from?

m-strat said...

Let's see...someone who thinks I'm an egomaniac. That doesn't really narrow down the field much.

Uncle Leo?

Anonymous said...

Congrats my brutha! This is great news.