Wednesday, November 01, 2006

HALLOWEEN IN THAILAND: The scariest part is the candy.

All ex-pat communities are a little like nutra-sweet. (It's not sugar, but it helps maintain the illusion of sweetness). A big part of pretending that we're not in Thailand involves celebrating Christian-European holidays, like Halloween. The management group here puts up all sorts of Halloween decorations, and parents buy all sorts of candy...and then pay their maids to stay home and hand it out. But is that any reason to miss out on the fun? Another couple from our ward come up from the city and we went trick-or-treating with them and their kids. Some photohighlights (not neccesarily in chronological order)...

Jake and Meg prowl the streets of Gotham trying to figure out which houses actually want you to come to their door.

Cyrus as the Man of Steel with Jake as the Caped Crusader. ("Careful of the guns...they'll getcha.")

I'm not sure Jakob understands the Batman persona yet. I kept trying to coach him for the photos "More angst! More angst! Where's your undercurrent of complexity?!!"

Meg as Cinderella and Cyan as the fairy princess were the highlight of the night. Later on things got a little ugly. The magic mirror revealed that Cyan was the fairest in the land, and so Meg poisoned one of her candied apples.

The candy exchanges could be a little chaotic. They don't have pumpkins here, so the guy in the blue shirt was trying to scare the kids with a 'scary potato'.
Jake stands next to the Thai subtitute for jack-o-lanterns, while Cyan plays with her favorite trick-or-treat toy.

(No caption available.)

Jake and Meg search through the spoils of victory. A few highlights: Pre-opened M&M's, yogurt, Weird jello-like substance, choco-stix, chocolate-substitute in a plastic tube, and Mentos. Posted by Picasa


Kelly said...

I've met some scary potatoes myself.

Most of them at Woodmans.

Anonymous said...

It's nice to see jake's smile back! :) Rach