Saturday, March 03, 2007

A Day at the Yard

Baseball the way it was never meant to be played...

Welcome to the North Bangkok Baseball League: where we're just trying to pass the time before soccer starts again. In this league, every hit gets at least two bases on the overthrow and if there wasn't a maximum of six runs per inning, the games would never end.

Jake stars on the Coca-Cola Red Sox and has played very well so far. He routinely hits the ball all the way to the fence (we're still waiting for the big home-run), and he's made great defensive plays in the field, He would do even better if we got him a baseball glove that was manufactured after WWII.

Here's a video of one of this great hits. Unfortunately, the players on the other actually can catch the ball and he's tagged out at second.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

great grandpa blumel would be so proud!

Anonymous said...

Lookin good out there Jake!! Keep up the good work love, Rachel