Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The Faculty Townhouses

Just behind the Cinderblock married housing is the faculty townhouses, where many BYUH professors and employees live. It's semi-exclusive. They don't just hand these out to any grad student on a one-year contract. It reminds me a lot of Rideau Court, the housing complex in Lethbridge where we lived when I was five. I used to wander around the parking lot and hit rocks with my aluminum bat.

It's row-housing full of young families thrilled to be living in the most affordable decent housing in Laie, and it's all owned by the University. No matter where you look there are kids running, kids skateboarding, kids with snotty noses, kids with no shoes or pants on. It's a middle-class Mormon ghetto.

But the best part about living in the townhouses is the greenbelt out back. There's a playground and a basketball court with a hoop that lowers down to eight feet. The kids love to go over there at night. Jake loves to ride his skateboard and Meg has taken a shine to playing basketball.

So, in the evenings when it's hot to sit in the house we wander down to the townhouses and play some ball. It feels good to spend some family time outside in the Hawaiian breezes.

It feels even better to dunk on Meg.


Steve Schaefer said...

Mack Strate-

No mention in your post that the temple is a stone's throw away? Are you kidding me? That is the temple we are all seeing is it not? WOW!!

Also, all of us want to know... is the blog name going to change? 301NIH? You need another mailbag post ASAP.

Rock Star in Madtown

Anonymous said...

I agree with Rock Star, you need a new blog name for the change in countries, or is that not possible? Anyway your mom and I are on our way to Glacier for an little R&R, Camping hiking and alot of mountain lake fishing. Getting a jump on the last long weekend. Dad

Anonymous said...

mmmmmm.... cinderblock housing... and all the little kids in the hood. *cue "Memory" from Cats.... you'd better get a jump on that birds and bees talk with the youngin's if you haven't already. One day over cheerios somebody is going to ask what &%#$ means. It's what happens in the hood. And you don't have farm animals to explain. (just ask Brother Cluff.. he had to use plastic dinosaurs)

I bet Morg IS getting a JUMP on that weekend. Sicko. So we're calling it R&R now are we?

Did I just type all that outloud?

m-strat said...

Wyldflowyr -

You did indeed type that out loud. Due to the unfreezing process you no longer have an inner monologue. But at last those capitalist pigs will pay for their crimes, eh comrades?

Yes, life in the hood is truly special. Right now there someone washing his car outside my open window. He's blasting his funky Samoan music so loud I can't hear my TV in my own living room.

I'd guess I'd better get some dinosaur figures and start praticing. Maybe I'll use Powerpoint...