Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Suspense: thy name is Grisham!

When Susan Landon, a corporate accountant from Memphis, is selected for jury duty she dreads following the monotonous proceedings of an armed robbery trial. That's before she meets fellow juror Jake West, a plaid-shirted mountain man from Snelford, Arkansas. Soon Susan is spending weekends at Jake's remote cabin, where he teaches her the symmetry between legal principles and outdoor survival techniques. But when the trial takes a dramatic turn Susan will be forced to decide between her career, her new love, and her job. Does she have the willpower to sacrifice everything for The Rural Juror?

This is the first novel from new author Kevin Grisham. Unlike his brother John, who writes mainly legal-thrillers, Kevin is building a following around an exciting new genre known as Romance-legal-adventure-thrillers. This book will make your pulse race right before it steals you heart. I started reading it on the plane to Hawaii and had a hard time putting it down. The main problem with this book is that it can be difficult to find. You may have to buy it online, or you can just wait for next year's release of the movie version, starring Tea Leone and Kevin Sorbo.

And if any of you are thinking about possible Christmas presents for me, I'm eagerly anticipating the relase of Kevin Grisham's second novel, Urban Fervor. It's the perfect stocking-stuffer.


Anonymous said...

Since I read the first review on the Rural Juror, I have been desperately trying to get my hands on a copy. Could you please send me a link, so I can read the romance, the law, and the excitement unique to Kevin Grisham.

Anonymous said...

Gee, Mr. Strate. You sure do write a nice book review.

Anonymous said...

Yes! It's great to finally see someone else who's reading The Rural Juror. I was completely captivated from page one up through the heart-breaking climax.

I do need to make one correction, though. Tea Leone had to drop out of the film version and was replaced by Jena Maroney. But no matter who plays the lead it's going to be awesome. You can't go wrong with a Kevin Grisham novel.

Anonymous said...

There's only one thing I love more than a Kevin Grisham novel, an Arby's Big Beef-n-Cheddar.

m-strat said...

As I mentioned before, the book is hard to find. Both Borders and Barnes and Noble refuse to carry The Rural Juror because John Grisham currently has a copyright infringement suit against Kevin. Until that ridiculous charge is cleared, you'll have to try an independent bookstore.


Anonymous said...

No one writes with as much passion as Kevin Grisham. When Susan discovers the Indian blankets in Jake's attic and he admits his grandparents were Cherokee, I cried my eyes out.

DotCom said...

Kevin's writings are so beautiful but he is sometimes discursive with his descriptions.

It's a little labrious to read some of his passages but for the majority of the book he hits it out of the park.

A truly gratifying and standout exposition.