Thursday, October 19, 2006

BANGKOK IS SINKIN' MAN...(and I don't wanna swim).

Thailand has experienced all sorts of flooding this month due to heavier than normal rains. The Chao Phrya river, which runs down from Chiang Mai in the north and through the center of Bangkok is running much faster and higher than normal. In order to prevent complete diaster in the capital city, irrigation officials are diverting water into the floodplains before it gets to Bangkok. The papers here are full of pictures of people in Ayuthaya, Nakhorn Sawan, and other places where water is waist high. Because the drainage system here is so poor (partly because people throw their garbage in the sewers) even this drastic measures can't prevent those parts nearest the Chao Phrya from flooding.

These shanties along the river have no choice but to evacuate until the river levels go down.

These stores near the river are built on top of canals, and when the river crests, water comes up from underneath. There is no option except to bring pumps in and use sandbags to channel water back into the river.

This 7-11 opened again for business later in the day after pumping out most of the water. Notice they've taken everything off the shelves so they can be moved again quickly. If you want your slurpee you'd better stay on the sand bags. Posted by Picasa

This is a sight no one wants to see in Thailand right now. Rain means the sewers back up and the street fill with water, which will make your commute home two or three times as long.

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