Tuesday, October 24, 2006

"Under the direction of Brother Jared Davis..."

While all of you back in Madison were enjoying Jakob Schaefer singing his heart out in the 2nd ward primary program, I was enjoying a children's program of my own.

These dancers were waiting to welcome the group of returned missionaries when we arrived at the new Sri Nakharin ward building in Bangkok. For me it was the highlight of the festivities. (Although I did have to smack a guy around after he stuck his fat head in front of the shot. It made that night's testimony meeting a little awkward.)

This video brought to you by McDonalds. Makers of the brand new 'McRice Burger'

"Just because you're at McDonalds doesn't mean you can't still have rice with chicken."

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Think of the possibilities of a show choir/Thai dancers collaberation. It would certainly be a world famous collaberation. Shane, you're the man with the connections. It's up to you to pull it together. (We could throw a primary children's choir in just to be fair...it certainly couldn't hurt anything).